Welcome to The Move MavenCall for a free consultation

Planning to sell your home?
Emptying a love one's home?

From recent clients:
"Karen, Thank you once again for helping to make our moving experience as smooth as possible. Your caring, attention to detail and planning are a welcome relief in this time of anxiety."
-- Steve K. Boston MA
"Thank you for your practical support, but more than that thank you for your wisdom and compassion."
-- Ann B., Brookline, MA
More client comments

Getting ready to move? Downsizing?
This video shows how we can help.

If you can't view the video here's the transcript.

Moving?I'm getting ready to move

Selling your home?I'm planning to sell my home

Emptying a home?I need to empty the home of a loved one

ebay logo Our ebay store features our clients high-quality antiques, artwork, jewelry, silver and collectibles.

Email The Move Maven  Karen@movemaven.com